Friday, December 31, 2010
This Year I Will..

Thursday, December 16, 2010
The art of being a complete amateur

[am-uh-chooMonday, November 29, 2010
Insomniac Musings

Friday, November 12, 2010
What London has to offer

to all kinds of compulsive personalities!
London is a multicultural European capital, that provides abundant opportunities in terms of what to do and how to spend your day. The question that arises though... Is London your friend depending on your vice?
Oh, dear smokers, I should inform you early on that London isn't the best place to fuel your lung degenerating addiction. First off, cigarettes here are scary pricey. A 20 pack usually is priced at almost 7 pounds, and a 10 pack at almost 4. Also, the health warnings printed on the packs are accompanied by graphic and disturbing pictures, so even before you get the pack in your hands, everything is working against you. Then, if you choose to disregard the cost and start spending almost 20 pounds a week on cigarettes (yes, you are a junkie), you should be aware that smoking is forbidden in pubs, bars, restaurants, coffee shops and pretty much everywhere.
Now, as any good junkie, you'll say "I don't care, I'll smoke outside" to which I'll reply "good luck getting soaking wet". And then, as any good junkie, you'll say "I don't care I'll smoke in my house/hotel room/dorm room" to which I'll reply "good luck getting past the smoke detectors". But generally, if you indeed are a good junkie you'll find a way to get nicotine in your system. I hear socks and plastic cling film work wonders on smoke detectors. Generally, even though smoking is made as impossible as possible, if you plan to keep smoking you know you will, you filthy nicotine whore. (Yes, I'm referring to myself).
The next post will be dedicated to my alcoholic friends, yes, drinkers, I mean you!
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
A Couple of London Facts

Wednesday, September 8, 2010
September's here...
I haven't updated in a long, long time. At first I was busy pretending to be engaged in schoolwork. Then I got stressed and I actually engaged in schoolwork. After that I was too busy enjoying the summer holidays, until I, at some point, thought of writing. At which point I began doubting that anyone even reads my rants, and thus began questioning the point of updating. But now, I feel as if this blog might be a good place for me to develop all my thoughts and worries.
This summer was indeed the best. A time filled with fun but also a time for realization. I learned so much about myself and other people this summer. And now, standing on the edge, exactly on the brink of a total lifestyle change, facing a move to another country, starting university and adult life, I find myself both excited and worried.
Change is good, or at least that's what they tell you. But sitting here in the room that saw me through my childhood and teenage, amidst boxes and suitcases and clothes I'm taken by a sense of nostalgia.
I still haven't figured out what it is that I want from life. My goals and aspirations are still shapeless and vague. Still, I am in no position of clearly defining who I am as a person.
But after a summer filled with experiences, I think I've come a step closer. And now a winter full of new experiences times 1000 awaits.
I'll be there, taking every single opportunity and going one step at a time. Or maybe five. And if I trip down the staircase and fall, I'll be the one picking myself up. Because I now know that I can handle it.
Saturday, March 27, 2010

Pointless, boring and terribly annoying days when you know what's keeping you from happiness, but you can't do anything to even remotely change it. Because you're too full of shit and your guts are nothing more than a constituent part of your social facade. Yes, now that you actually care it's getting harder and harder to risk.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Oh, those fateful days when the dark forces of the universe have in store for you the dirtiest card of all: migraine. Yes, that deceitful thing which starts like an LSD trip with all the lovely colours and progresses into nausea and a headache bad enough to make you prefer banging your head on the wall or just choping it off. What a marvellous situation I'm in! I can't stand, I can't move, I can't bloody think. Ciao for now.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Mr. Devendra Banhart

There he is, the ever surprising Mr. Devendra Banhart. The truth is, I acquired an obsession with him about a year ago when I first came across his music. The first song I listened to was Carmensita (yes, the one with the awesome Bollywood-inspired videoclip and guest appearance of Natalie Portman), and after one play I just couldn't get enough. At the moment I can proudly say that all of his discography graces my iPod, and adds a much needed colour and spice to the dull everyday moments.
So it would come as no surprise that when I opened a previous issue of Rolling Stone and saw his name while flicking through the pages, I couldn't help but read the entire article. Needless to say that he keeps surprising me. Although I was aware of his multi-cultural background, through the article I got a more clear idea of this man and his music. I especially loved his description of the transition from Venezuela to Malibu and his "social experiment" at the highschool he attended at first.
After I finished reading the article, I slowly placed the headphones in my ears, and re-listened to his new album, eager to discover all the sounds, every small lyric and the slightest tones of voice.
This album is magnificent, a tasty and rich fusion of sounds, and it shows the growth and development of Mr. Banharts music. I was practically dancing to it all afternoon.
Well done.
Must listen to: Rats - Devendra Banhart
Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Wednesday, January 6, 2010